Thursday 18 December 2014

Brian on Queen Forever, Adam and Japan--Actual video interview + distorted media versions

Brian on Queen Forever, Adam and Japan--Actual video interview + distorted media versions.

Mark Metcalfe, Getty Images

Most classic-rock stars might shy away from directly comparing their newest singer with the career-making frontman he replaced. That would seem even more so if the singer in question was the late Freddie Mercury, one of music’s most dynamic and memorable figures.

But Queen‘s Brian May is not most classic-rock stars. In fact, he says Adam Lambert — the former ‘American Idol’ finalist who has been touring with May and fellow remaining Queen co-founder Roger Taylor — is a decided improvement on Mercury, in at least one regard.

“We didn’t look for this guy, but suddenly he’s there — and he can sing all of those lines,” May says of Lambert in a new interview. “See, they’re difficult songs to sing, Queen songs. There’s too much range that plenty of people can’t sing them in the original key — even if they are good singers. Adam comes along, and he can do it easy. He can do it in his sleep! He can sing higher than even Freddie could, in a live situation.”

Lambert first worked with Queen on the ‘Idol’ finale in 2009. Since then, they’ve appeared in several overseas venues before launching an ongoing world tour. Those dates now continue into Europe, with 26 more scheduled shows for 2015. May and Taylor also recently oversaw the release of more never-before-heard material from the Mercury era on a new project titled ‘Queen Forever.’

  • Christine Smith · Mom to eight dogs at Retired
    Brian is reporting fact. Adam can sing higher than Freddie in a live concert situation. Singing range is not a measure of singing greatness. Both Freddie and Adam are great singers. They have different voice types, meaning different ranges. It is no disrespect to say that.
    Fact is, those songs are hard for many singers to perform well, especially in their original keys. Freddie was a great singer, and wrote and arranged them for his special voice. It is unusual that Brain and Roger have been able to find another singer who can do the songs justice live, and, having seen them in concert, Adam CAN do it. They also look like they are having a great time up on stage. I know we in the audience were!

    • Danny Bumbalo Callahan ·  Top Commenter · California State University, San Bernardino
      Exactly, seing them live with Lambert, he definitely has a higher voice than Freddie. The difference is that Lambert doesn't have the fullness of voice that Freddie had

    • Mary Selva ·  Top Commenter
      Danny Bumbalo Callahan I don't think Freddie's voice is "full" at all. It varies enormously from performance to performance, from shrill to full, and his vibrato is all over the place. Still, he has a very distinctive voice. It's a shame he didn't really seem to know how to care for it properly - smoking to make it sound raspy, and the partying and drugs early on did not help. He was unique and a wonderful performer. But he's gone.
      Adam has a lovely tone, and quite full. In fact, he is well known for that. And as a singer with 10 years of vocal training, including 1 year of opera training (which he uses for breath control), he knows how to care for his voice, sing through colds, etc. The last two Queen concerts in New Zealand in September, he was quite ill with a bad cold, even saw a doctor, but the performances were excellent. ... See More

    • Sharon Miller-Sullivan ·  Top Commenter · Salisbury University
      Danny Bumbalo Callahan - Adam is as classically trained vocalist he does things with his voice no other male singer can do currently. Opera singers can't do what Adam does.

  • Jacque Burris ·  Top Commenter
    Disrespecting Freddie ,of course not! Both powerhouse vocalists,different ranges!!! Nothing bad about breathing new life into great songs as long as you find someone who can do it justice,which is exactly what Adam Lambert can do! I might also add Adam Lambert shows more love and respect to Freddie and Queen than some of Freddie's fans do!Love Queen,love Adam Lambert,love great music,but do not like hate,or intolerance of anyone!

    • Lisa Rios ·  Top Commenter · Owner at Gypsy Wagon, Bandon, OR
      StFU Brian!!! Quit disrespecting the man that made you famous.

    • Melody Kramer ·  Top Commenter · Works at Retired
      Foks who have actually been to a Queen plus Adam Lambert Concert, know how much respect is paid throughout the concert to Freddie Mercury. The people showing disrespect to Freddie's memory are the people who insult Brian,Roger and Adam .. three great performers who loved FM and are trying to keep the music alive. Just to add Adam Lambert is a famous star in his own right with a wonderful career and adoring fans.. He is not trying to imitate Freddie or to take his place.

      • Prakhar Tripathi
        And this sh*t comes from a Queen band member. I never expected any one especially Queen members to ever say that. I mean how can it be possible that Adam Lambert can out sing Freddie. Absolutely rubbish. I also never liked Adam's voice, he is a disgrace to Queen's music. I have lost each and every respect for Queen's present members (Brian and Roger). The band has lost all it's charisma it used to had in the 70s and 80s after they decided to continue with a new singer who cannot even come close to Freddie's vocals. I only respect Mr. Deacon who made a great decision to leave this f*king band. I hope this whole band gets demolished now. I feel very sad for Freddie Mercury who left us so soon and now is even not appreciated by his own band members. It makes my cry. If Freddie wouldn't have been there, there won't be any songs, that Adam Lambert has been messing up with and Brian and Roger would have ended up being some small artists. If they still have even the slightest amount of brain left, they should quit the band in the memory of Freddie Mercury. And this won't be a bad decision. For example, Led Zeppelin was split up after death of their drummer, and drummer is something, which can be replaced, but they lived up to their integrity. But lead singer is the driving force of the band and especially someone like Freddie Mercury, I can never even dream of someone replacing him. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

        • Mary Selva ·  Top Commenter
          Brian May and Roger Taylor are the two ORIGINAL founders of the band Smile, which Freddie and Deacon joined later after the original singer and bass player left. It was then renamed Queen by Freddie. So they are not "members." Their band, their choices.

      • Stephen Rowe · Emerson College
        TY Christine. It has nothing to do with disrespecting Freddie who will always be considered one of the great frontman ever. It is just a fact.

        • Jim Hartung ·  Top Commenter
          Everything Brian says is a fact! go see them with Adan and try to deny it!

          • Arnie Frank Meikle · IT Technical Support Engineer at TÜV SÜD
            Correct Nicole, I saw Queen live in total 14 times (with Freddie). I preferred the 70's show's, in smaller arenas where the power of the band wasn't diluted by stadium acoustics (or the lack of). Freddie did sing differently live that's quite obvious, because of the nodes in his throat, so consequently, he would quite often lower his voice as an act of voice preservation. He actually wrecked his voice during Queen's (huge) second tour of America, which lasted in excess of three months, several shows were cancelled because of this, Brian was also taken seriously ill (hepatitis). The best example of this voice preservation was in tracks like "The Prophets Song" , where he sings in a very high register with power (in the studio), but live, almost spoke the words, and another example was "In The Lap of The Gods, Revisited" where instead of using his falsetto, he drops an octave lower. He himself admitted to being "Reduced to a monotone" in certain gigs. So there's a element of truth in what Brian said as regards live performance, but, in the studio, Freddie was untouchable!

            • Rik Skit · College Of Musical Knowledge
              what he actually SAID-and what the headline says are slightly different-i HATE it when they do that-just reading the headline-it sounds worse then the actual quote is

              • Jane Plain · Works at Self-Employed
                I think the media is trying to stir the pot here. I don't think Brian EVER meant to imply that Adam is a better singer than Freddie was. His comment is being taken out of context. If you've ever heard Brian speak of Freddie in an interview, it is always with respect bordering on reverence. I also take exception to those of you seem to feel that Freddie made Brian famous. That's like saying Robert Plant made Jimmy Page famous simply because he is the frontman and most visible. Um... Wrong!

                • Dave Dietter ·  Top Commenter · University of Nevada, Las Vegas
                  Was just reading this article a few months ago on vocal ranges.
                  I respect May as a guitarist, but him spitting out this crap to sell tickets is sad.

                  • Camille Pety ·  Top Commenter · GM at Crumpets Restaurant and Bakery
                    they mostly sold out in a few days

                  • Amy Rodriguez Lee
                    Dave, the media wordsmiths things people say to draw readers to their headlines. Brian said that Adam can sing higher notes LIVE than Freddie could--that's all. There's no dissing of anyone happening here. Brian's also said that the difficulty of the setlist for a vocalist night after night is substantial and that Adam brings it vocally every time and that that is more than most singers could do with their catalog. But saying that doesn't mean Freddie was any less of a wonder than he was. Adam would be the first to acknowledge Freddie's iconic status. In fact, he HAS done so often.

                • Camille Pety ·  Top Commenter · GM at Crumpets Restaurant and Bakery
                  Since he is one of the FOUNDING members of the band he can say whatever he likes -I've seen QAL and it was an astonishing mesmerizing show

                  • Sharon Miller-Sullivan ·  Top Commenter · Salisbury University
                    It seems there are some vicious trolls on this site that live to criticize any remaining Queen band members and Adam. Anyone that slams Brian or Roger isn't a real Queen fan. None of these trolls have ever seen Adam and Queen live so there opinion isn't valid.

                • Steven Tierney · Chatham, New Jersey
                  Brian needs to checked for dementia....

                  • Charles DeWeese ·  Top Commenter · Works at Musician
                    Freddy made the song. Adam provided cover band entertainment.

                    • Aidas Kačiulis ·  Top Commenter · Kauno kolegija
                      Oh come on. Just stop this nonsense and let Freddie rest in peace. There will never be a man who could replace Freddie and to say that this guy can reach vocal heights Freddie could not is just stupid.

                      • Nicole Terrell ·  Top Commenter
                        All it means is Adam can hit higher notes LIVE than Freddie did. We all know that Freddie sang live differently than in the studio to save his voice and because he had to lower his voice due to a throat condition. This is not new. However, it in no way detracts from the fact that Freddie was the greatest frontman and that Lambert is doing a great job now that Freddie is no longer with us. Freddie had a greater lower range than Lambert...range in the end is not the end measurement of greatness. So Queen fans need to stop getting their feathers so ruffled and misinterpret what is being said here.....Brian in no way is minimizing Freddie's greatness as the best.

                      • Sharon Miller-Sullivan ·  Top Commenter · Salisbury University
                        Aidas have you seen Adam live? Probably not or you wouldn't say Brian is stupid.

                    • Le Sn R ·  Top Commenter
                      Well, good for him (Lambert). The day May says that "he reaches lyric writing heights Mercury never reached", that´s the day I ´ll be ready to diss on Mr. Brian May. But as everyone knows, that statement will NEVER be true. I respect John Deacon, who refused to participate in anything else after Mercury died. He was the only one who understood that the name should be put to rest.
                    The Melvins’ King Buzzo Discusses Queen’s Influence
                    Check Out Yearbook Photos of Freddie Mercury and Other Rock Stars

                    Read More: Brian May Says Adam Lambert Reaches Vocal Heights Freddie Mercury Never Could |

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